Portfolio - Ederson

My Projects

Some of my projects were developed while I was working as a backend/mobile developer at BeMobile, while others were completed as a freelance developer and designer for various companies and individuals. I primarily used Next.js, Figma, Tailwind CSS, and put in a lot of effort to ensure high-quality results.

Web project

Seti Home

Web Development
Framer Motion

A homepage for Seti Company, developed using Next.js with smooth scrolling, Framer Motion, Swiper, and various other technologies. This webpage was created as a prototype and did not have a pre-designed layout.

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Seti HomeSeti Home

Design and Development

Merlin Home

Web Development
Web Design

I designed and built a complete homepage for Merlin Tech Company from scratch. The project involved prototyping in Figma and developing with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, and other technologies. Each page was customized to narrate the story behind the software.

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Merlin HomeMerlin Home

Design and Development

Zap Auto

Web Development
Web Design

It’s one of my most challenging projects, where I spent nearly weeks developing a functional prototype. I utilized advanced technologies such as Next.js, OpenAI, PostgreSQL, OAuth, and more. The goal was to automate WhatsApp using an AI-driven chatbot.

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Zap AutoZap Auto

Web project

Merlin Tech

Web Development

Built to promote Merlin Company and generate leads, this project served as a key step in the sales funnel. It was primarily used in social media bio links and other marketing channels.

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Merlin TechMerlin Tech

Design and Development

Alarc Home

Web Development
Web Design

I prototyped and built an institutional homepage for Alarc Company, primarily designed for internal communication. The site also included features such as blog posts, management tools, testimonials, and more.

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Alarc HomeAlarc Home

Web project

Alarc Tools

Web Development
Tailwind CSS

It was a platform designed to manage Mercado Livre products and pricing. The goal was to automatically disable a product if its price increase exceeded a specified limit and to send email notifications for all product changes.

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Alarc ToolsAlarc Tools

Web project


Web Development

I managed the project platform, developed new features, and fixed bugs, primarily in the backend. The software was built on a legacy version of Laravel and used Voyager as an admin panel for managing tables and data.

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App project

Vainorh App

Mobile Development
React Native

Another developer and I worked with Expo and React Native to completely restructure the app. We used the existing API and focused primarily on redesigning the user interface. The app already had a designed prototype and nearly all of the screens were completed.

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Vainorh AppVainorh App

Web project

Guia Jaraguá

Web Development

It was a project for a virtual phonebook, designed primarily to promote local businesses through a website. Each business could create their own page featuring WhatsApp, social media links, addresses, photos, and more. Although it was my first 'real project,' it primarily served as a test.

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Guia JaraguáGuia Jaraguá

Web project


Web Development

It was a hobby project for a friend, built with Next.js. It featured a single screen and was eventually discontinued.

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